Depression can affect the mind, body, behavior, and your relationships. The key to preventing a serious bout of depression is to spot it early and then take some active, practical steps to reduce its intensity and duration.
Here are a number of questions to think about:
- I often have sad, anxious or “empty” moods.
- I think I am too pessimistic.
- Lately I have lost interest in my hobbies and usual activities.
- My energy level is low.
- I have a decreased interest in sex.
- There have been changes in my appetite or weight.
- Sometimes I have thoughts of death or suicide.
- I have difficulty concentrating.
- My memory is not as sharp as it once was.
- I think I am too worried about physical issues.
If you are concerned with your responses to any of these questions, we suggest you call us at the Guard Your Buddy program.
We can help you locate solutions for changing common mood problems. Depression can be treated successfully so that you no longer have to be affected while on duty at the National Guard or at home.
We have coaches and counselors 24/7, who are ready, at no cost, to speak with you confidentially and privately. Call us at 855 HELP GYB (855-435-7492).